Discover a new approach to wellness

Tala Andoni

Dr Tala Andoni MBChB MSc MRCP AFMCP 

About Me

Hello! My name is Dr Tala Andoni, and I am the founder and lead practitioner at The Magnolia Clinic. As a dedicated functional medicine doctor, I specialise in providing holistic and personalised care to each of my patients.

My Journey

I am Palestinian-Jordanian and grew up in Amman. After completing my medical degree in the UK, I trained in NHS Hospitals in London, Oxford and Birmingham predominantly in adult medicine, eventually earning Membership of the Royal College of Physicians (MRCP).

I am passionate about understanding the human body and its intricate interconnections, and I’ve completed degrees on Nutrition and Genomics from Imperial College London, Cornell University and Stanford University.

My experiences and interests have naturally led me to functional medicine, which I am pursuing with The Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM). As a current student in Dr. Gabor Maté’s Compassionate Inquiry programme, I am deeply committed to integrating the principles of compassion, empathy, and trauma-informed care into my practice.

My vision is to create a nurturing environment where patients feel safe to share their vulnerabilities, fostering healing and growth through understanding and acceptance.

Take the first step

Whether you're dealing with a chronic condition or simply looking to enhance your overall wellness, I am here to guide and support you.


What is Functional Medicine?

Imagine a tree where the leaves and branches represent the symptoms of illness that people experience. Conventional medicine often focuses on treating these visible symptoms directly. However, in functional medicine, we look deeper—down to the roots and the soil that nourish the tree.

The roots of the tree represent the underlying causes of disease, such as genetics, lifestyle, and environmental factors. The soil symbolises the foundational elements of health, including nutrition, sleep, physical activity, stress management, and social connections. By addressing these root causes and enriching the soil, we aim to promote a healthy, thriving tree.

Our Approach

At The Magnolia Clinic, we believe that true health goes beyond simply treating symptoms. Our approach involves understanding the root causes of health issues and addressing them through a combination of lifestyle changes, nutrition, and natural and conventional therapies.

We emphasise patient education and therapeutic partnership. We believe in empowering our patients with the knowledge and tools they need to take charge of their own health. Health is not always a linear path; it's about striving to be 1% better every day, while also holding yourself in compassion and understanding during the challenging moments.

Beyond the Clinic

When I'm not at the clinic, I enjoy spending time with my family, walking in the English countryside with my little dog, pilates and meditation. These activities enrich my life and sustain me on my own perfectly imperfect journey.